espresso Case
espresso Case
espresso Case
espresso Case
espresso Case
espresso Case

espresso Case

Portability and protection for your espresso Display. A microfibre case that attaches magnetically and can be used as a stand. A popular accessory to work anywhere.

Compatible with all espresso Displays V2 and Pro models.

Simple portability.
Protect your Display on the move, and set your Display up anywhere.

Unsupported media type.

Unsupported media type.

Protection on the Go.
Microfibre case that attaches magnetically and can be used as a stand.

Tech specs

Weight: 416 g
Open (max height): 210 mm
Magnetic attachment


The espressoCase protects the front of your display, however, it can also be flipped over and used as a kickstand.
Yes, the espressoCase can be used with a portrait setup.